About Me

I am a married gal. I love the outdoors! I absolutely love going on road trips. My favorite state is GA. I have 2 tattoos. I love drums+music. Polar Pops are a must have. Church is very important to me. I am an aunt to only 4 legged animals; which I love but I hate.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is also known as arthritis of the cervical vertebrae. Cervical spondylosis is more commonly found in individuals fifty and over. It is caused by possible spurs that have developed on the the cervical vertebrae or possible by issues with disks or ligaments. This causes neck discomfort; people find it difficult to move their neck and function correctly throughout the day.

When I mention functioning correctly, I mean this can cause discomfort in other areas of the body. Symptoms of this disease would be neck pain, difficulty in walking, loss of balance, neck popping, headaches, neck stiffness, and muscle spasms found in the neck; all these can be from cervical arthritis. All of these symptoms can occur from other diseases, so with that various studies need to be done in order to rule out other diseases. After all the other diseases are ruled out, than the individual may receive proper treatment for their illness.

If the pain lasts longer than a few months, than it is most likely that they have chronic cervical spondylosis. Non surgical treatment includes wearing a soft neck brace; this limits neck motion. Another non surgical treatment would be medication and physical therapy. If the individual has bone spurs than surgery may be the answer in removing these spurs. All of these treatments are options to relieve pain.

1 comment:

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